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- About Naples
Time to event -2162 Days to GO

3rd International Conference on
14-17 April, 2019 - Naples, Italy
Following the success of the first editions held in 2016 and 2017, NINE, the International Conference on Nanotechnology based INnovative applications for the Environment, will be back in 2019. NINE 2019 aims at presenting recent scientific and technical advances in the field of nanotechnology application to the environment protection and sustainable energy production, including characterization, monitoring, remediation of contaminated sites, and treatment of water, wastewater and residues.
The Conference, organized by the Italian Association of Chemical Engineering (AIDIC) in collaboration with the University of Neaples Federico II, and the University of Salerno, will be held in Naples, Italy, on 14-17 April 2019.
NINE 2019 welcomes contributions from researchers and engineers from academic and research institutions , as well as stakeholders from industry, presenting recent advances and new approaches on the application of nanotechnologies to the environment. Oral and poster sessions will take place, and each oral session will be introduced by keynote speakers.
All the accepted papers presented at the Conference will be published on Chemical Engineering Transactions. The Journal is valued by ISBN & ISSN numbers, DOI number and Google Scholar
We wish to welcome You in Neaples on April 2019,
prof. Andrea D' Anna
"Federico II" University of Naples
prof. Sauro Pierucci
AIDIC, Italy
NINE2019 Organizing Committee Co-Chairmen
prof. Paolo Ciambelli
Emeritus professor, University of Salerno
prof. Carmelo Sunseri
University of Palermo, Head of the Nanotechnology Working group- AIDIC
NINE2019 Scientific Committee Co-Chairmen

Save the Date!
October 20, 2018-Abstract Submission Deadline
October 25, 2018-Abstract Acceptance
December 1, 2018-Manuscript Submission Deadline
January 15, 2019-Manuscript Acceptance
February 15, 2019-Early Registration Deadline
February 28, 2019-Preliminary Programme
April 14-17, 2019-Conference
Promoted & Organized by AIDIC The Italian Association of Chemical Engineering