15 - 18 September 2002
Sorrento, Italy

Headlines of Manuscript

The manuscript should be maximum 6 pages in total. Hence it is not a full scientific paper and the presentation has to be adjusted according to that.

The manuscript must contain an introduction that explains the motivation for and the relevance of the work. The novelty should be clearly stated. A full literature review is not needed nor desired. Only previous work that is of key importance for your particular contribution should be referenced in the introduction.

The manuscript must contain a proper description of what has been done, however all experimental or theoretical details are not needed. The important aspects of the experiments and the theoretical development should be clearly presented. Results should be carefully reported and well illustrated. All text in diagrams and figures must be readable. Symbols and notations must be clearly explained.

Results should be discussed in particular with reference to the state-of-the-art, with proper citation of key contributions in the literature.

The reviewing of the manuscripts will focus on importance to the field, scientific quality of the work, and in particular on clarity and quality of the presentation. A poor presentation may lead to rejection even if the quality of the work is excellent.

Instructions for production of Final Manuscript

click here to download the *.pdf file

click here to download the *.doc file