The Conference technical program is structured in parallel sessions, which will be held over four days.
The Conference topics will be treated in invited plenary lectures, selected lecture presentations and poster sessions.
Posters will stay on for the whole Conference promoting Author presentation and spontaneous discussion.

Monitoring and modelling hydraulic and hydrological processes in agriculture and forestry systems

Challenges in stream rehabilitation and soil conservation strategies

Sustainable water resource management under climate change scenarios

Planning safe, healthy and resilient territorial, built and green systems

Cultural heritage preservation and rural landscape protection, planning and management

Plant and livestock production processes and technologies. Healthy and Organic farming. Animal welfare.

Energy, waste and by-products smart use

Post-harvest logistics and food chain structures technology

Applications and experiences in smart agriculture and forestry

One Health, management and standardization for agriculture and forestry machinery and structures

Big data, machine learning and data hub in biosystems engineering