Jirí J. Klemeš, Hon Loong Lam, Petar S. Varbanov
Copyright © 2010, AIDIC Servizi S.r.l.,
ISBN 978-88-95608-05-1; ISSN 1974-9791

The aim Volume 21 of Chemical Engineering Transactions is to review the latest development and applications in the fields of process integration, mathematical modelling and optimisation for energy conservation, pollution reduction and related topics leading to sustainable, environmentally friendly and cleaner production.

This volume publishes 244 papers on the following subjects:

Energy Saving Technologies
CO2 Kyoto Protocol, Sequestration, Minimisation
Combined Heat & Power
Heat exchangers as equip. and integrated items
Process Integration for Sustainable Development
Integration of Renewables, Biomass and Energy Conversion Technologies
Operational Research and Supply Chain Management
Pulp and Paper
Sustainable Processing and Production
Waste Minimisation, Processing and Management
Batch Processes
Thermal Treatment of Waste Incl. Waste to Energy
Dynamic, Flexible and Sustainable Plant Operation
Industrial & Experimental Studies
e-Learning and e-Teaching
CFD and numerical heat transfer
Sustainable biofuel production
Industrial Application & Optimal Design

All papers have been peer-reviewed before the selection and revised if necessary.

Jirí J. Klemeš