Renato Del Rosso
Copyright © 2012, AIDIC Servizi S.r.l.,
ISBN 978-88-95608-21-1 ; ISSN 1974-9791

Table of Contents & Authors Index
Policy & Regulations
Odourmap, an Online Web Based Tool for Field Observation, Resident Participation, and Odour Community Relations 1
van Harreveld A.P. DOI:10.3303/CET1230001
Dynamic Olfactometry and Potential Sample Toxicity. Guidelines for a Safe Occupational Health Approach 7
Davoli E., Zuccato E., Bianchi G., Palmiotto M., Il Grande M., Bonati S., Rossi A.N. DOI:10.3303/CET1230002
Assessment of Separation Distances to Avoid Odour Annoyance: Interaction Between Odour Impact Criteria and Peak-to-mean Factors 13
Schauberger G., Piringer M. DOI:10.3303/CET1230003
Evaluation of Oec Data for Preparation of the New vdi Guideline 3885/1 19
Frechen F.-B. DOI:10.3303/CET1230004
Odor - a Vision on the Existing Regulation 25
Loriato A., Salvador N., Santos J., Moreira D.M., Costa Junior N. DOI:10.3303/CET1230005
Environmental Odours and VOCs Assessment
Metal Oxide Nanowire Gas Sensors: Application of Conductometric and Surface Ionization Architectures 31
Ponzoni A., Zappa D., Comini E., Sberveglieri V., Faglia G., Sberveglieri G. DOI:10.3303/CET1230006
Online Field Inspection Manager (ofim)grid Inspection Web Service 37
Mannebeck C. DOI:10.3303/CET1230007
Does the Choice of Olfactometric Laboratory Affect the Efficiency of Odour Abatement Technologies? 43
Jonassen K., Pedersen P., Riis A., Sorensen K. DOI:10.3303/CET1230008
Improving Biotreatment Efficiency of Hot Waste Air Streams: Experimental Upgrade of a Full Plant 49
Copelli S., Torretta V., Raboni M., Viotti P., Luciano A., Mancini G., Nano G. DOI:10.3303/CET1230009
Chicken Farm Malodour Monitoring Using Portable Electronic Nose System 55
Abdullah A.H., Shakaff A.Y.M., Adom A.H., Zakaria A., Saad F.S.A., Kamarudin L.M. DOI:10.3303/CET1230010
Packing Material Evolutions and Odorous Abatement of Peat and Heather Biofilters Operating in Rendering Industry 61
Anet B., Couriol C., Lendormi T., Amrane A., Le Cloirec P., Cogny G., Filliere R. DOI:10.3303/CET1230011
Measurement of Odorants in Livestock Buildings: Sift-ms and Td-gc-ms 67
Van Huffel K., Heynderickx P., Dewulf J., Van Langenhove H. DOI:10.3303/CET1230012
Characterising Volatile Organic Compounds from Sewer Emissions by Thermal Desorption Coupled with Gas-chromatography-mass Spectrometry 73
Wang B., Sivret E., Parcsi G., Wang X., Stuetz R. DOI:10.3303/CET1230013
Application of Chemical Mass Balance Methodology to Identify the Different Sources Responsible for the Olfactory Annoyance at a Receptor-site. 79
Clarke K., Romain A.C., Locoge N., Redon N. DOI:10.3303/CET1230014
Odour Impact Assessment in Industrial Areas 85
Naddeo V., Zarra T., Giuliani S., Belgiorno V. DOI:10.3303/CET1230015
Estimating Hydrogen Sulphide Emissions from an Anaerobic Lagoon 91
Beghi S., Rodrigues A., De Sa L., Santos J. DOI:10.3303/CET1230016
Development of an Olfactometric Measuring Facility According to Cen En 13725 and to Generate Up to Date Odour Concentrations from Animal Houses in Flanders 97
Hove N., Van Langenhove H., Demeyer P. DOI:10.3303/CET1230017
Measurement of Odour Concentration of Immissions Using a New Field Olfactometer and Markers’ Chemical Analysis 103
Benzo M., Mantovani A., Pittarello A. DOI:10.3303/CET1230018
Performance Study of E-nose Measurement Chamber for Environmental Odour Monitoring 109
Viccione G., Zarra T., Giuliani S., Naddeo V., Belgiorno V. DOI:10.3303/CET1230019
Comparison of Odour Concentrations Obtained by Yes/no and 2afc Mode 115
van Boheemen A. DOI:10.3303/CET1230020
Characterization of Odour Concentration from Raw Rubber Processing Factories via Olfactometric Technique 121
Kamarulzaman N.H., Idris N.F., Mohd Nor Z. DOI:10.3303/CET1230021
Can Electronic Noses Be Used to Control Odour Abatement Measures in Sewers? – Approach by Testing 4 Multigas-sensor Systems Under Realistic Conditions 127
Schwarzboeck T., Frey M., Rouault P., Skirlo H., Giebel S., Frechen F.-B., Schmitt R., Waschnewski J., Hartmann A. DOI:10.3303/CET1230022
Potential of a Network of Electronic Noses to Assess in Real Time the Odour Annoyance in the Environment of a Compost Facility 133
Nicolas J., Cerisier C., Delva J., Romain A.C. DOI:10.3303/CET1230023
An Alternative Approach of the E-nose Training Phase in Odour Impact Assessment 139
Giuliani S., Zarra T., Nicolas J., Naddeo V., Belgiorno V., Romain A.C. DOI:10.3303/CET1230024
Advances in Odour Monitoring with E-noses in the Port of Rotterdam 145
Milan B., Bootsma S., Bilsen I. DOI:10.3303/CET1230025
Experimental Approach for the Validation of Odour Dispersion Modelling 151
Capelli L., Dentoni L., Sironi S., Guillot J.M. DOI:10.3303/CET1230026
SIFT-MS for livestock emission characterization: application of similarity coefficients 157
Heynderickx P., Van Huffel K., Dewulf J., Van Langenhove H. DOI:10.3303/CET1230027
The Effects of Atmospheric Turbulence on Peak-to-mean Concentration Ratio and Its Consequence on the Odour Impact Assessment Using Dispersion Models 163
Dourado H., Santos J., Reis Jr N., Melo A.M.V. DOI:10.3303/CET1230028
Review of Small Commercial Sensors for Indicative Monitoring of Ambient Gas 169
Aleixandre M., Gerboles M. DOI:10.3303/CET1230029
Determination of Volatile Fatty Acids from Raw Natural Rubber Drying Activity by Thermal Desorption-gas Chromatography 175
Idris N.F., Kamarulzaman N.H., Mohd Nor Z. DOI:10.3303/CET1230030
Hand Held Electronic Nose for Voc Detection 181
Santos J., Aleixandre M., Cruz C. DOI:10.3303/CET1230031
Olfactometric Methods Application for Odour Nuisance Assessment of Wastewater Treatment Facilities in Poland 187
Barczak R., Kulig A., Szydlowski M. DOI:10.3303/CET1230032
Odour: Characterisation and Transformation 193
Parcsi G., Sivret E., Wang X., Stuetz R. DOI:10.3303/CET1230033
Odour Impact Assessment by a Multiparametric System (electronic Noses/ch4-nmhc Analyser) 199
Amodio M., Brattoli M., Dambruoso P., De Gennaro L., De Gennaro G., Demarinis Loiotile A., Trizio L. DOI:10.3303/CET1230034
Comparison of Calpuff and Aermod Models for Odour Dispersion Simulation 205
Busini V., Capelli L., Sironi S., Nano G., Rossi A.N., Bonati S. DOI:10.3303/CET1230035
Electronic Noses for the Qualitative and Quantitative Determination of Environmental Odours 211
Dentoni L., Capelli L., Sironi S., Remondini M., Della Torre M., Riccò I., Demattè F., Zanetti S., Il Grande M. DOI:10.3303/CET1230036
A New State of the Art Stationary Dynamic Dilution Olfactometer 217
Choiniere D., Giard D. DOI:10.3303/CET1230037
Predictive Numerical Evaluation of Odour Dispersion, Case Study: Non-hazardous Waste Landfill 223
Pettarin N., Rivilli S., Snidar R. DOI:10.3303/CET1230038
Odour Control and Abatement Techniques
The Effect of Pit Ventilation on the Emission of Odorants from Pig Production 229
Hansen M.J., Adamsen A.P., Jonassen K., Feilberg A. DOI:10.3303/CET1230039
Application of Low Temperature Plasma Environment to Reduction of Selected Carcinogenic Compounds in Asphalt Industry Off-gases 235
Ozonek J., Piotrowicz A., Czerwinski J. DOI:10.3303/CET1230040
Social Acceptance and Efficiency of the Application of Masking Agents in Urban Areas 241
Lazarova V., Markovska G., Abed B., Dezenclos T., Amara A. DOI:10.3303/CET1230041
Odour Abatement of Poultry Litter Using Odour Control Products 247
Maruthai Pillai S., Parcsi G., Wang X., Stuetz R. DOI:10.3303/CET1230042
The Nose Platform: a Real-time Solution to Forecast & Monitor Nuisance Odours 253
Givelet A., Lazarova V., Kelly R., Dauthuille P. DOI:10.3303/CET1230043
Comparison of the Depuration Efficiency for Voc and Other Odoriferous Compounds in Conventional and Advanced Biofilters in the Abatement of Odour Emissions from Municipal Waste Treatment Plants 259
Almarcha D., Almarcha M., Nadal S., Caixach J. DOI:10.3303/CET1230044
Precision of Odour Abatement Efficiency Determination in Changing Conditions 265
Friedrich M., Kosmider J. DOI:10.3303/CET1230045
Impact of Technological Solutions and Operating Procedures on Odour Nuisance of Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Plants in Poland 271
Lelicinska-Serafin K., Kulig A. DOI:10.3303/CET1230046
Wet Air Oxidation of Organic Acids and Phenol for Odour Control Proceses 277
Dobrynkin N., Batygina M., Noskov A., Besson M., Gallezot P. DOI:10.3303/CET1230047
Fibrous Ion Exchanger as a Carrier of the Fe-edta Catalyst for H2s Emission Control 283
Wasag H. DOI:10.3303/CET1230048
Design of a Specific Apparatus to Evaluate Odour Reduction Efficiency of a Nebulizing System Applied on Odorous Liquid Surfaces 289
Dentoni L., Bascelli M., Capelli L., Sironi S., Del Rosso R., Buccolini M. DOI:10.3303/CET1230049
Odour Measurement: Focus on Main Remaining Limits Due to Sampling 295
Guillot J.M. DOI:10.3303/CET1230050
Test Procedure to Determine Material Specific Voc Emission Rates and Prediction Model of Voc-levels in Controlled Production Environments 301
Keller M., Gommel U., Verl A. DOI:10.3303/CET1230051
A Comparative and Critical Evaluation of Different Sampling Materials in the Measurement of Odour Concentration by Dynamic Olfactometry 307
Zarra T., Reiser M., Naddeo V., Belgiorno V., Kranert M. DOI:10.3303/CET1230052
Ambient Odour Assessment Similiraties and Differences Between Different Techniques 313
Bokowa A. DOI:10.3303/CET1230053
Other Applications of Odour Measurement
Wireless Sensor Network for Indoor Air Quality Monitoring 319
Lozano J., Suárez J.I., Arroyo P., Ordiales J.M., Alvarez F. DOI:10.3303/CET1230054
High Performance Cost Effective Miniature Sensor for Continuous Network Monitoring of H2s 325
Zaouak O., Ben Daoud A., Fages M., Fanlo J.L., Aubert B. DOI:10.3303/CET1230055
Odour and Hazardous Gas Monitoring System for Swiftlet Farming Using Wireless Sensor Network (wsn) 331
Mamduh S.M., Shakaff A.Y.M., Saad S.M., Kamarudin K., Kamarudin L.M., Zakaria A., Kamarudin H., Ezanuddin A.M.M., Saad F.S.A., Nooriman W.M., Abdullah A.H. DOI:10.3303/CET1230056
Evaluation of Odour Release from Urine Absorbing Aids 337
Sironi S., Capelli L., Dentoni L., Del Rosso R. DOI:10.3303/CET1230057