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IConBM2024 Secretariat & Organization

c/o The Italian Association of Chemical Engineering
& AIDIC Servizi Srl
Via Giuseppe Colombo 81/A
20133 Milano (Italy)

Phone: +39-02-70608276

Main Contact

Treasury & Payments (please indicate the name of the conference in the Subject of the email request)


Registration will open on March 1, 2024

Registration Policy
Every contribution must have at least one registration associated with it in order to be included in the conference program and CET Journal.
Each presenting author is entitled to submit only one paper per registration fee (1 Paper = 1 Registration), but may also be co-author of abstracts / papers submitted by other registered / presenting authors.

Tentative early registration fees (might change) are:

Full fee: EUR 750 + 22% VAT

Student fee: EUR 600 + 22% VAT