Each Paper is evaluated for acceptance by at least two Peer Reviewers.

The full set of accepted papers of NOSE2014 Conference (in the form of short papers of 6 pages) will be published in CD copy into " Chemical Engineering Transactions", volume 40, 2014. Hard copies can be printed on request.

In addition each paper will be available online thanks to the DOI identification.

The quality of this publication is valued by ISBN & ISSN numbers, reference by SCOPUS and THOMSON REUTERS (ISI Web of Knowledge, conference proceedings) citation indexes.
Each Paper in the volume is covered by a copyright assigned to AIDIC Servizi S.r.l.


Requirements for publication

- original article (never published before)

- reviewers acceptance

- full compliance with the Chemical Engineering Transactions formatting instructions

- valid registration fee to the congress made for each accepted paper before the indicated deadline

- transfer of copyright agreement