To attend PRES'11 conference a registration fee is required. For publishing the paper and including it into the final program the registration fee is due before March 14
The fee is valid for attending both PRES'11 and ICheaP-10 Conference (only attendance to sessions, not publication of papers in both conferences)
The fee will not include the accommodation.

a copy of the Registration Form
(to be sent by fax or email)

early payments before March 14 2011: Euro 600
regular payments after March 14 2011: Euro 700
student & PhD student before March 14 2011: Euro 480

Registration fee includes: attendance to the scientific sessions (ICheaP-10 & PRES'11); conference facilities; proceedings (hard copy + CD-Rom) ; welcome cocktail, 5 coffee breaks;3 lunches, 1 dinner at Villa Castelletti (only full fee)

Registration fee DOES NOT include: accommodation; dinner ticket for student and accompanying persons
Accommodation should be booked separately


Authors may publish and present one paper for each registration.
Late registrations are possible only for non-presenting authors, since a paper not valid registered before the deadline cannot be published.

Please check very carefully that the bank transfer shows the surname of the participant and the company. Receiving payments without names or multiple fees without any specification cause many inconveneinces and delays.

According to the Italian Law, for invoicing we need VAT number (P. IVA) of the organization who makes the payment.
This is compulsory ONLY for EU PARTICIPANTS: all registrations without VAT number (P. IVA) cannot be proceeded.

Italians need the fiscal code (C.F.) too.

Cancellations before May 1, 2010 will be charged by 20% costs. Beyond such date the fee will not be refunded. No refund is due in case a paper has been already included into the proceedings for publication, i.e after April 1.
Only written cancellations will be accepted (letter or fax, not e-mail).
Substitutions will be accepted at any time, provided they are notified to the Secretariat.

The organisers cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to private property of participants and accompanying persons which may occur either during or arising from the Conference. Participants should therefore take whatever actions they consider proper for their insurance.