General Information
- (Please avoid that the e-mail is spammed by your system)
- About Cisap8
- Conference Venue
- Organizing Committee
- Scientific Committee
- Scientific Topics
- Plenary Lectures
- Copyright Submission
- Publication Policy
- Accommodation
- Letter of invitation/Visa
- Sponsors
- About Milan
Untitled Document -2374 Days to GO
Participants may choose the preferred accommodation among the wide choice offered by Milano
Participants have to reserve their accomodations directly.
For lodging at the conference venue, Hotel Michelangelo, here is the link
Tourist information
www.comune.milano.itMilan aeroport

Save the Date!
March 1st, 2018-Abstract Submission Deadline
March 30th, 2018-Abstract Acceptance
April 20, 2018-Manuscript Submission Deadline
June 15, 2018-Manuscript Acceptance
July 15, 2018- Registration Deadline and Preliminary Programme
September 12-14, 2018-Conference