General Information
- (Please avoid that the e-mail is spammed by your system)
- About IBIC 2018
- Conference Venue
- Organizing Committee
- Scientific Committee
- Plenary lectures
- Scientific Topics
- Publication Policy
- Accommodation
- Letter of invitation/Visa
- Sponsors
- About Venezia
Untitled Document -2524 Days to GO
Since 1960's biotechnology has become increasingly relevant to the fast growing
industries. While microbes have been used for centuries in food and drinks industry,
their continued and further investigation has advanced opportunities for their
exploitation in almost all industrial sectors. Some businesses have already
benefited from advances in applied biotechnology, others have begun to gain
tangible profits.
IBIC 2018 offers a platform for presentation of new ideas and discussion of latest advances in applied biotechnology supported by sound science leading to novel industrial developments.
In this context, IBIC 2018 covers topical issues in bio-production, bio-separation, and bio-detection. Latest research topics including nano-biotechnology, biorefinery and biofuels, biocatalysis, biomaterials, and microbial fuel cells will be presented. Microbes will be discussed as cell factories, and fermenters will be investigated as integrated systems in recovery operations.
IBIC 2018 offers a platform for presentation of new ideas and discussion of latest advances in applied biotechnology supported by sound science leading to novel industrial developments.
In this context, IBIC 2018 covers topical issues in bio-production, bio-separation, and bio-detection. Latest research topics including nano-biotechnology, biorefinery and biofuels, biocatalysis, biomaterials, and microbial fuel cells will be presented. Microbes will be discussed as cell factories, and fermenters will be investigated as integrated systems in recovery operations.

Save the Date!
July 20, 2017-Abstract Submission Deadline
July 31, 2017-Abstract Acceptance
October 15, 2017-Manuscript Submission Deadline
December 15, 2017-Manuscript Acceptance
February 22, 2018-Early Registration Deadline
March 15, 2018-Preliminary Programme
April 15, 2018-Conference