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17 - 20 June, 2018 - Bologna, Italy
On behalf of The Italian Association of Chemical Engineering, we warmly welcome you to the next International Conference on Biomass which will be held from 17 to 20 June 2018 in the city of Bologna.
We look forward to meeting you in this world-class event that provides a very interesting programme with the opportunity to exchange ideas with colleagues from all sectors, including academia and industry and share presentations of the latest key innovations within sustainable bioenergy technologies and solutions.
prof. Eliseo Ranzi, Politecnico di Milano
prof. Mario Costa, University of Lisbon
(ICONBM Scientific Committee Chairmen)

Save the Date!
November 25, 2017-Abstract Submission Deadline
December 1, 2017-Abstract Acceptance
January 15, 2018-Manuscript Submission Deadline
April 15, 2018-Manuscript Acceptance
May 10, 2018-Early Registration Deadline
May 15, 2018-Preliminary Programme
June 17, 2018-Conference