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loss prevention Secretariat & Organization

c/o The Italian Association of Chemical Engineering
& AIDIC Servizi Srl
Via Giuseppe Colombo 81/A
20133 Milano (Italy)

Phone: +39-02-70608276

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The following Special Sessions complete the Loss Prevention 2025 Symposium. Each session includes oral presentations followed by an expert panel discussion with invited panellists. Abstract submission is open. All accepted papers will be considered for publication either in the Chemical Engineering Transactions Journal or in the Book of Abstracts - BOA

- Safety and Sustainability of Green and Alternative Fuels in Port Areas
Chairs: Dr. Olga Aneziris (Demokritos National Research Institute GR), Prof. Ernesto Salzano (University of Bologna, IT), Prof. Bruno Fabiano (University of Genoa, IT)
A special session dedicated to the safety of green ports: regulations, technical standards and best practices addressing hydrogen, ammonia and methanol bunkering, storage, management and supply systems in port areas and onboard ships. The session will provide also an insight of the SUPERALFUEL project Interreg VI-B IPA ADRION Programme.

-Ammonia Safety
Chairs: Dr. Marta Bucelli (Sintef, NO), Dr. Ming Yang (TU Delft, NL), Prof. Valerio Cozzani (University of Bologna, IT)
The session addresses the latest developments and pressing challenges concerning the safety and risk management related to the ammonia value chain as an alternative energy vector to reduce carbon emissions, with a specific emphasis on maritime and energy industries, but also addressing other applications.

- Innovations in the Management of Reactive Chemical Hazards
Chairs: Prof. Sebastien Leveneur (INSA Rouen, FR), Prof. Sabrina Copelli (University of Insubria, IT), Prof. Thierry Meier (EPFL, CH)
The session aims at exploring cutting-edge research and practical advancements in the field of reactive chemical hazard management, emphasizing both technological innovations and strategic methodologies that push the boundaries of current practices and propose forward-thinking approaches.

-Cybersecurity in the Digital Era of the Chemical and Process Industry
Chairs: Prof. Micaela Demichela (Polytechnic of Turin, IT), Dr. Matteo Iaiani (University of Bologna, IT), Prof. Genserik Reniers (TU Delft, NL)
The special session focuses on the intersection of cybersecurity and digitalization within the chemical and process industries, providing a comprehensive overview of the experience matured in academia and industry. Emphasis is given to practical applications and strategies for an effective cyber risk management, drawing from real-world scenarios.

-Integration of Process Systems Engineering & Machine Learning for Improved Process Safety
Chairs: Prof. Eulalia Planas (UPC Barcelona, ES), Prof. Nicola Paltrinieri (NTNU, NO)
The session focuses on exploring the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI), PSE and Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA) combined with deep domain knowledge of the process industry to significantly improve safety and productivity in high hazard industries. The session will also spotlight the PROSAFE initiative, a European Training Network bringing together academic institutions and key industrial partners.

-Safety of Liquid Hydrogen
Chairs: Prof. Federico Ustolin (NTNU, NO), Prof. Alessandro Tugnoli (University of Bologna, IT), Ales Bernatik (VSB Ostrava, CZ)
The session addressed the safety issues in the emerging LH2 systems and technologies, providing a cutting-edge insight on the current state of the research on the safety of LH2-based solutions and to present how safety concepts are implemented in the development of new LH2 technologies for widespread applications outside industrial areas.