General Information
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- About Milan
Untitled Document -2367 Days to GO
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It is our pleasure to announce the 6th International Conference on Environmental
Odour Monitoring & Control that will be held on September 9-12, 2018 in
Milan, Italy.
NOSE2018 is organized by AIDIC, The Italian Association of Chemical Engineering.
The field of odour measurement and assessment is of growing interest in many
The NOSE conference series, since its first edition in 2008, focuses on the
most recent developments regarding environmental odour monitoring and control.
However, in recent years, the conference has widened its scope by including
also other fields in which odour evaluation and measurement by means of different,
sensorial and/or instrumental techniques, is becoming particularly interesting,
such as product development, medical diagnosis, indoor air quality.
The aim of the NOSE conference series is to give the opportunity to the scientific
and industrial community members from all over the world to meet, exchange
experiences and ideas, as well as discuss the main innovations related to
odours, thereby including a wide range of different topics in order to give
an all-embracing point of view on this continuously progressing issue.
Save the Date!
March 1st, 2018-Abstract Submission Deadline
March 30th, 2018-Abstract Acceptance
April 20, 2018-Manuscript Submission Deadline
June 15, 2018-Manuscript Acceptance
July 15, 2018- Registration Deadline and Preliminary Programme
September 9-12, 2018-Conference