HYDROGEN Summer School - 4th Edition
Building the Future of Hydrogen Projects
Roma, 27-28-29-30 May 2025
ENEA Casaccia Research Center
WEBSITE https://h2summerschool.enea.it/
SEATS AVAILABLE: 50 - first arrived first served basis, on receipt of final payment. THE FEE INCLUDES: 22% VAT; lessons and material; coffee breaks; buffet-lunches; social programme; bus transfer Roma undergroundC.R. Enea Casaccia
REGISTRATION: from March 3 to April 30
CF- tax code
Fa fede la richiesta formale dell'Ente La compilazione e l'invio di questa scheda sono facoltativi
Enti Pubblici o soggetti allo split payment
Segnalo che il mio Ente ha già inviato richiesta di fattura elettronica (per invio, cliccare BANK TRANSFER+SUBMIT)
STANDARD FEE applied to all delegates € 400 (22% VAT included)
All the major credit cards are processed via Paypal. Prepaid cards are not accepted.
- Successfull transactions are confirmed by Paypal within few minutes, via email; no further email is sent out by the Organizers. - Succesfull transactions automatically imply a succesfull registration to the School. - Invoice/receipt follows later, usually within 2 days from Paypal confirmation.
NOTE: Tentative registrations without successful payments are not reported.
tick payment via BANK TRANSFER
Cancellations within May 1st will be charged by 50% costs. Beyond such date the registration fee will not be refunded. Substitutions are accepted at any time. Cancellations and substitutions should be notified in advance to H2 Secretariat <h2summerschool@enea.it>
PRIVACY DECLARATION I hereby declare that I have read and understood AIDIC Data Protection Policy. By checking this box I consent to the AIDIC team (including third parties) handling my personal data for administration and marketing purposes, in connection with my participation in the Event.
to see the Proforma of the Total amount due and to proceed with the payment- CLICK