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Distillation & Absorption:
Since its beginnings in 1960, the Conference Distillation & Absorption has become the leading international forum for research, development, standards and applications related to this domain.
The first meetings were held approximately at ten-year intervals in the English sea-side town of Brighton, so that the series became known as “the Brighton Conferences”. In 1987 it was recognized that more frequent meetings were needed, so the latest conferences took place in 1992 in Birmingham (UK), 1997 Maastricht (Netherlands), 2002 Baden-Baden (Germany), 2006 London (UK), 2010 Eindhoven (Netherlands) and last in 2014 in Friedrichshafen (Germany).
The Florence conference will showcase the newest and best in distillation & absorption technology, covering a broad range of fundamental and applied aspects, and will bring together, from all over the world, industrialist, academic researchers and PhD/MSc students, to share and discuss the latest developments in the field.
Leading the conference organization is AIDIC, working in close collaboration with the European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE) Working Party on Fluid Separations (http://efce.info/Fluid+Separations.html).
Elisabetta Brunazzi, Chair EFCE Working Party on Fluid Separations
Save the Date!
June 30, 2018 - Tentative programme
July 8, 2018 - Registration deadline for authors for paper inclusion in proceedings
July 31, 2018 - Final Programme
September 16-19, 2018 - Conference
1 December 2018 - Submission of extended conference papers to ChERD
DA2018 Purchase one printed volume of the Conference Proceedings