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- Excellence Award

Poster Competition
Approximately one third of the DA2018 contributions are scheduled as oral presentations. The majority of the contributions will be presented by the authors during Monday's poster presentation session, one of the highlights of the conference.
To celebrate, refreshments will be served courtesy of the DA2018 poster session sponsor, BASF.
From all posters on display, two winning posters will be selected by a committee, and one winning poster by popular vote of all the participants. The posters will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
• Clarity of presentation
• Scientific method
• Innovative impact
• Competence of the presenter
Posters must be hung on the assigned poster board before lunch on Monday, and must remain in place until the end of the evaluation, on Tuesday afternoon. Note that to qualify for an award, presenters are required to be present by their poster during the Monday evening poster session. The awards for the three best posters will be announced during the Closing Ceremony on Wednesday.
Authors are responsible for printing their poster and bringing it to the conference. We have not prepared a template, so authors can choose the template they prefer. However, authors must prepare the poster based on the following guidelines:
• The poster size should be A0 paper size, which is 841 x 1189 mm (width x height). Please do not exceed these dimensions: posters that do not fall within size limitation cannot be exhibited!• Posters should be preferably displayed in portrait format (not landscape).
• It is possible to bring A4 copies of the poster to share with interested delegates. Further details can be made available upon request.

Save the Date!
June 30, 2018 - Tentative programme
July 8, 2018 - Registration deadline for authors for paper inclusion in proceedings
July 31, 2018 - Final Programme
September 16-19, 2018 - Conference
1 December 2018 - Submission of extended conference papers to ChERD
DA2018 Purchase one printed volume of the Conference Proceedings