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EFF2023 Secretariat & Organization

Gaia Tornone c/o The Italian Association of Chemical Engineering
& AIDIC Servizi Srl
Via Giuseppe Colombo 81/A
20133 Milano (Italy)

Phone: +39-02-70608276
Fax: +39-02-70639402

For information related to the Scientific Program
For information related to the Treasury & Registrations


EFF 2023 is the fourth event in a series of biannual events started in 2017 in Milano, Italy, with "the first International Conference on Engineering Future Food" organized by AIDIC, the Italian Association of Chemical Engineering.
The previous events attracted leading Industrialists and Academics from all over the world and provided a state of the art on Food Engineering. Conference Participation confirmed the International character and appeal reached by EFF-Series and demonstrated the need of having a permanent forum and record of International R&D activities aimed at the FOOD TRANSITION. It is expected that the continuous participation of the past years will be maintained and enhanced also in this event.