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EFF2023 Secretariat & Organization

Gaia Tornone c/o The Italian Association of Chemical Engineering
& AIDIC Servizi Srl
Via Giuseppe Colombo 81/A
20133 Milano (Italy)

Phone: +39-02-70608276
Fax: +39-02-70639402

For information related to the Scientific Program
For information related to the Treasury & Registrations


A transition from the current unsustainable food system to an healthy, circular and resource-efficient paradigm is required in the food sector. The transition is urgent and must be driven by science as well as values and economics.
FOOD TRANSITION means that we have to start producing and consuming in a completely different way, aiming for societal acceptance and citizen appreciation.
Investing in research and development is therefore crucial for the evolution of the food sector, and highly strategic for the progress of the entire global community.
Research and industrial capabilities and long-term vision are the driving forces behind EFF Conference to support the development of technologies that can guide food innovation over time. Research, technological innovation and digitalization are key to enable a quicker transition to inclusive and sustainable development, in line with the UN Agenda 2030.
In particular, the convergence of the real and digital dimensions is creating a close continuum within the working and sustainability contexts. Data, which has become central and increasingly strategic, must be protected and managed using digital interfaces to extract the maximum possible value. The ultimate goal is to implement a sustainable transformation of the new technological cycles, thanks above all to the integration of digital and manufacturing.
EFF 2023 Conference defines FOUR CHALLENGES that need to be faced to secure a sustainable, high-quality food production system and that are the TOPICS OF THE CONFERENCE:

Topic I - DELIVERING FUNCTIONALITY IN FOOD: from structure design to food product engineering
Topic II - FOOD SAFETY BY DESIGN: novel approaches for risk assessment and mitigation
Topic III - GENTLE AND SMART FOOD PROCESSING: innovative process engineering approaches for improving the sustainability of food products
Topic IV - DIGITAL TRANSITION IN THE FOOD AND BEVERAGE INDUSTRY: “computer aided” food engineering, modeling and computational approaches