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ELECTROSTATICS2025 Secretariat & Organization

c/o The Italian Association of Chemical Engineering
& AIDIC Servizi Srl
Via Giuseppe Colombo 81/A
20133 Milano (Italy)

Phone: +39-02-70608276

Main Contact

Treasury & Payments (please indicate the name of the conference in the Subject of the email request)


The Working Party on Static Electricity in Industry of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering organizes a successful series of international conferences on electrostatics every four years since 1970.

We are glad to organize ELECTROSTATICS 2025 for the first time in Bologna, Italy, from 9th-12th November 2025.

The objective of the conference is to encourage interaction between academic and industrial workers and to provide an opportunity for discussions of the various topics at all levels of interest.

The conference will also provide a forum for the exchange of latest knowledge and new ideas in the science and technology of electrostatics, as well as for discussion of electrostatics hazards and problems.

The conference has been collaborating with the Journal of Electrostatics (Elsevier) for publication of the proceedings since 1981