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ELECTROSTATICS2025 Secretariat & Organization

c/o The Italian Association of Chemical Engineering
& AIDIC Servizi Srl
Via Giuseppe Colombo 81/A
20133 Milano (Italy)

Phone: +39-02-70608276

Main Contact

Treasury & Payments (please indicate the name of the conference in the Subject of the email request)

Chairman Pedro LLOVERA-SEGOVIA Universidad Politècnica de València (Spain)
Secretary Istvan KISS Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary)
Graham ACKROYD SYNGENTA Ltd (United Kingdom)
Roman CIMBALA Technical University Košice (Slovenia)
Matej DEBENC Ex-department (Slovenia)
Paul HOLDSTOCK Holdstock Technical Services
Simon EGAN Solvay (France)
Lars FAST SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden Electronics (Sweeden)
Martin GLOR (Honorary Chairman) Swiss Institute for the Promotion of Safety & Security (Switzerland)
Holger GROSSHANS Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) (Germany)
Philippe MOLINIÉ Centrale-Supélec (France)
Matti MURTOMAA Univeristy of Turku (Finland)
Bálint NEMETH Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary)
Alexis PEY Stahl Holdings bv (Spain)
Jeremy SMALLWOOD Electrostatic Solutions Ltd. (United Kingdom)
Gerard TOUCHARD University of Poitiers (France)
Ernesto SALZANO University of Bologna (Italy)
Anders THULIN Anders Thulin Consulting AB (Sweeden)
Honorary members
Istvan BERTA, Honorary Chairman Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary)
Joseph TAILLET (France)

* under confirmation