General Information
- About ICMF
- Conference Venue
- Governing Board
- Organizing Committee
- Scientific Committee
- Scientific Topics
- Gov. Board Elections
- Poster Competition
- Accommodation
- Letter of invitation/Visa
- Sponsors
- About Firenze
Conference Overview
The first edition of ICMF was held in Tsukuba (Japan) in 1991. The second edition took place in Kyoto (Japan) in 1995. During this conference, it was decided to establish an International Governing Board which oversees the major aspects of the conference and makes decisions about future conference locations. Due to the great importance of the field, it was furthermore decided to hold the conference every three years successively in Asia including Australia, Europe including Africa, Russia and the Near East and America. Since the first edition ICMF has grown into the largest conference in the field of multiphase flow.
The 9th conference will be held in Firenze (Italy) and will be devoted to all aspects of Multiphase Flow. We are expecting more than 900 experts and professional researchers from all over the world will attend and make presentations of their research results and recent advancements. It will be a great opportunity to share and promote the exchange of new ideas, results and techniques, but also to extend social networking.
List of past ICMF:
2013: Jeju (Korea) - M.H. Kim (Chairman)
2010: Tampa (USA) - J. Sinclair Curtis and S. Balachandar (co-Chairmen)
2007: Leipzig (Germany) - M. Sommerfeld (Chairman)
2004: Yokohama (Japan) - Y. Matsumoto (Chairman)
2001: New Orleans (USA) - E. Michaelides (Chairman)
1998: Lyon (France) - J. Bataille and R.J. Perkins (co-Chairmen)
1995: Kyoto (Japan) - A. Serizawa, T. Fukano and J. Bataille (co-Chairmen)
1991: Tsukuba (Japan) - G. Matsui and A. Serizawa (co-Chairmen)

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