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- Poster Competition
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- About Firenze
Poster Competition | Call for Posters
The Organizing Committee of ICMF 2016 is glad to announce the first ICMF Poster Award.
The Award competition is open to any registered author.
All contributions accepted for poster presentation are automatically considered for the Award
and will be assigned a booth space.
Jury Panel
Posters will be judged by a panel of 5 members, who will be announced soon. Poster evaluation will be
based on the following criteria:
• aesthetics (i.e. art and beauty);
• technical merit;
• creativity;
• novelty and innovation of the targeted research.
Posters will be evaluated on Monday (May 23, 2016) and on Tuesday (May 24, 2016).
Therefore, posters must be hung on the assigned booth before 10am on Monday and must remain
in place until the end of the evaluation.
Presenters are required to be present at their booth during the Tuesday afternoon poster session
(see the scientific schedule here).
The three (3) best posters will be awarded with full reimbursement of one registration fee.
Awardees will be announced during the Pizza Show on Tuesday , May 24, 2016 (see the scientific
schedule here).
The Awards are kindly sponsored by AIDIC.
How to prepare and present the poster
• Authors are responsible for printing the poster and bringing it to the conference.
• We have not prepared a template, so authors can choose the templaste they prefer.
However, we strongly suggest to prepare the poster based on the following guidelines.
• The poster size should be A0 paper size, which is 841 x 1189 mm (width x height) or 33.1 x 46.8 inches (width x height).
Please do not exceed these dimensions: posters that do not fall within size limitation cannot be exhibited!
• Posters should be preferrably displayed in portrait format (not landscape).
• It is possible to bring A4 copies of the poster to share with interested delegates.
Further details can be made available upon request.