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Founded in 1953, the EFCE currently comprises 38 Member Societies in 29 European countries.
The Federation also works with Institutional Members from around the globe.
In December 2014, the EFCE was officially set up and registered as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) in the UK.
Its Working Parties and Sections link almost 1000 experts from industry and academia.
The Federation's activities are determined by the Executive Board (charity trustees), while three General Secretariats share the different administrative tasks.
Currently there are 20 Working Parties (WPs) and 5 Sections whose delegates and representatives come from 39 member societies representing 33 member countries. Today the EFCE represents more than 100,000 chemical engineers in Europe.
The Federation is a non-profit association, the object of which is to promote co-operation in Europe between non-profit-making professional scientific and technical societies, for the general advancement of chemical engineering and as a means of furthering the development of chemical engineering.

As a society founded in 2012, ESBES stimulates scientific advances in the field of biochemical engineering and provides a platform for communication, education and interdisciplinary exchange in this important scientific discipline.
ESBES provides an important channel between industry and academia and fosters the cooperation of bioengineers from all over Europe and overseas.
ESBES mission is to promote co-operation in Europe between non-profit-professional scientific and technical societies for the general advancement of biochemical engineering sciences and foster the development of biochemical engineering sciences.
ESBES gathers members from Academia and Industry in active collaboration in different fields of applied BioSciences, Biochemical Engineering, Biotechnology, and Bioengineering enforcing advances in the several related engineering topics. It covers several highly dynamic fields of innovation in the industry, among them new reactor designs, metabolic engineering and synthetic biology, downstream processing, process and pathway modeling and enzyme development.

AIDIC is the unique Italian Association of Chemical Engineering. Founded in Milano in 1958, AIDIC is an Association of Individuals, supported by Industry: its President is an active industrialist and the main engineering companies are represented into its Executive Board.
AIDIC is member Society of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering since 1962
and for more than 40 years has been represented into EFCE Boards.
AIDIC is also member of European Society of Biochemical Engineering Sciences.
AIDIC leads several partnerships with other important Italian Associations.
AIDIC activities are planned by the Executive Board and approved by the General Assembly,
while six Regional Agencies share the different administrative tasks all over the national territory.
Currently there are 8 Working Parties and 8 Scientific Sections that dissiminate the scientific activity in the Country.
Organized by AIDIC The Italian Association of Chemical Engineering