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- About ECAB5
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- Congress Leaflet
Time to event -2004 Days to GO

Young Programme The Student Programme represents a unique opportunity to join PhDs from chemical, biochemical engineering and other related areas coming from different countries.An increasing world population, in a world of finite natural resources, requires ever more innovative engineering to solve social future challenges, let’s face them together! Process Simulation Cup |
Chemstations Europe GmbH, the official sponsor of the ECCE12 & ECAB5 Student Programme, calls for chemical process engineering students to join the Process Simulation Cup 2019 (PSC2019), the in-house developed international student competition. Bachelor, Masters, and Ph.D. students can begin training process optimization today for a special PSC2019 Task Phase to be launched on 15 to 19 September. Registration for PSC2019 is now open. Remote participation possible! |
Scientific Speed Date |
Do you want to meet your next partner for a new
paper or make friends from other countries? |
Meet Your Idol |
Would you like to meet the author of the book you have studied at the university and other world leading scientists? Don’t miss the informal breakfast organized by ECCE12 & ECAB5 with your scientific idols. Take care: idols could differ from those shown in the pictures! |
Pub Quiz |
You feel like you want to party and challenge other teams? Join your congress mates and get ready for a thrilling evening in Florence! |
Career Fair |
The world needs PhDs and the good news is that you are one of them! Join us for this event, discover new employers and network with professionals from several sectors to share tips about how to shape your future!
Organized by AIDIC The Italian Association of Chemical Engineering