General Information
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- About EFF 2019
- Organizing Committee
- Scientific Committee
- Scientific Topics
- Publication Policy
- Plenary Lectures
- Congress Venue
- Accommodation
- Letter of invitation/Visa
- Sponsors
- About Bologna
Time to event -2118 Days to GO

Chairman | Laura Piazza | Università degli Studi di Milano /AIDIC Food Engineering Working Group, Italy |
Members | Raffaella Damerio | (AIDIC Servizi, Accounting Dept.)
Manuela Licciardello | (AIDIC Servizi, Events Dept.) | |
Sauro Pierucci | (AIDIC Servizi, President)
Elisa Pisati | (AIDIC Servizi, Events Dept.) | |
Gaia Tornone | (AIDIC Servizi, Events Dept.) |
Promoted & Organized by AIDIC The Italian Association of Chemical Engineering