General Information
- (Please avoid that the e-mail is junked by your system)
- About EFF 2019
- Organizing Committee
- Scientific Committee
- Scientific Topics
- Publication Policy
- Plenary Lectures
- Congress Venue
- Accommodation
- Letter of invitation/Visa
- Sponsors
- About Bologna
Time to event -2118 Days to GO

Conference technical program is structured in parallel sessions, which will
be held over three days.
The Conference topics will be treated in invited plenary lectures, selected
lecture presentations and poster sessions.
Posters will stay on for the whole Conference promoting Author presentation
and spontaneous discussion.
The major aim of EFF 2019 is to
review the latest development, needs and issues on the thematic areas covered
in general by emerging references of Food Engineering Science.
Topic I - Food process intensification / Process and equipment design: emerging
novel types of equipments and processing methods - miniaturization of process
Topic II - Food process intensification / Environmental benefits : energy efficient
food processing technologies - Waste reduction
Topic III - Application of nanoscale science in food processing and packaging
Topic IV - Advances in food Formulation Technology: Smart and Novel Ingredients
- Structure Design
Topic V - Food Biotechnology and Bioprocesses: micro/minibioreactor design;
biodegradable polymers production and processing
Topic VI - Reaction kinetics in food processes
Topic VII - Modelling and simulation of food processes and automation in food
Promoted & Organized by AIDIC The Italian Association of Chemical Engineering