General Information
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- About EFF 2019
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- Plenary Lectures
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- Letter of invitation/Visa
- Sponsors
- About Bologna
Time to event -2118 Days to GO

Conference co-Chairman | Laura Piazza | Università degli Studi di Milano /AIDIC Food Engineering Working Group, Italy |
Serafim Bakalis | The University of Burmingham, UK |
Ahrne |
Lilia Olga Roman Marco Ivano Marisa Francesco Mustafa Giuliana Chelo Miroslav Henry Ulrich James Francesco Paolo Alexander Mauro Maria Cristina Patrizia Luciano Cornelia Catherine Anna Yrjo Fabrizio Maarten Cristina Luisa Petros Christelle Atze Jan Antonio Bruno |
Denmark Spain Australia Italy Italy Italy Italy Turkey Italy Spain Serbia Austria Germany Ireland Italy Italy Switzerland Italy Italy Italy Italy Germany France Italy Ireland Italy The Netherlands Portugal Greece France The Netherlands Portugal Italy |
* under confirmation
Promoted & Organized by AIDIC The Italian Association of Chemical Engineering