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Time to event -1607 Days to GO
Theme 1: Modelling and Simulation Theme 8: Education in CAPE and Knowledge Transfer
Theme Coordinators: prof. Ana Barbosa-Povoa (Spain), prof. David Bogle (UK)
New modelling approaches
Multi-scale modelling
Environmental/Social/Risk models
New industrial applications
Theme 2: Synthesis and Design
Theme Coordinators: prof. Antonio Espuna (Spain), prof. Zdravko Kravanja (Slovenia)
Process/Supply Chain Synthesis and Design
Advanced Materials – Products
Process Intensification
Micro and nano applications
Design for reliability and safety
Theme 3: Process control and operations
Theme Coordinators: prof. Sebastian Engell (Germany), prof. Sigurd Skogestad (Sweden)
Flexibility and optimization under uncertainty
Supply-chains optimization and logistics
Off- and on-line control
Real-time optimization
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
Theme 4: CAPE in Sustainable Energy Applications
Theme Coordinators: prof. Fabrizio Bezzo (Italy), prof. Francois Marechal (Switzerland)
Heat and power integration
Waste-to-energy applications
Renewable resources in total-site integration
Integration of energy sources & sinks
Reliable dynamic supply & demand
Theme 5: Bioresources, Bioprocesses and Biomedical Systems
Theme Coordinators: prof. Antonis Kokossis (Greece), prof. Stefan Radl (Austria)
Biomolecular and genetic Engineering
Bioreactors applications>
Theme 6: Digitalization
Theme Coordinators: prof. Filip Logist (Belgium), prof. Flavio Manenti (Italy)
Cloud application
Digitalization of chemical processes
Industry 4.0
Theme 7: Concepts, Methods and Tools
Theme Coordinators: prof. Xavier Joulia (France), prof. Heinz A. Preisig (Norway)
Advances in numerical methods
Global Mixed-Integer Optimization
Multiobjective optimization
Decision Making under Uncertainty and Risk Management
Big Data Management, methods and tools
Theme Coordinators: prof. Patrizia Perego (Italy), prof. Eric Shaer (France)
Best practices in academia
Continued training in a changing professional practice
Effective selling of high quality CAPE solutions to industry
Knowledge transfer hurdles
Effective exploitation of CAPE tools
Promoted & Organized by AIDIC The Italian Association of Chemical Engineering