General Information
- (Please avoid that the e-mail is junked by your system)
- Virtual Symp. Structure
- Virtual Symp. Material
- Refund Policy
- ESCAPE Series
- Organizing Committee
- Scientific Committee
- Scientific Topics
- Publication Policy
- Sponsors
- Leaflet
Time to event -1607 Days to GO
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submit your Material before July 1st 2020
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In order to set up the virtual Symposium and to attend to it, each participant is asked to prepare some material. Each participant has to enter his own personal page, visit "Upload Virvis" page and check which specific material he/she has to prepare. Once prepared, upload the material through the same page. | |
The description of the possible materials is here below reported: | |
Each Lecture & Plenary will be recorded
as a movie and saved as .mp4 file. Each speaker is asked to record his own presentationin file that will last no more than 18 minutes (Lecture) and no more than 37 minutes (Plenary).Please note that only the Speaker, among the possible co-authors, has to prepare the presentation and upload it into the system. It is up to the speaker to decide how to prepare his/her mp4 file. The simplest way is to use Powerpoint, (option: record the presentation) and export it as mp4 file. You may read a tutorial that shows how to prepare the presentation with Powerpoint |
Each poster associates a .pdf file showing
the poster in one page. It is the same format that is normally used for
e-poster or hard- poster. See general
rules for its preparation. |
Each speaker should upload: ♦ a brief CV ( max 10 Lines) as a .doc(x) file ♦ a photo as jpg file ( A privacy agreement should be signed) |
All the people entitled to attend the virtual symposium (non Speakers) are
invited to submit their own photo as jpg file. ( A privacy agreement should
be signed) |
ESCAPE30 is included into the Framework "VIRVIS" (owned by AIDIC) propely created for the Virtual Presentation of Conferences in a proprietary Web Private Server. |
Promoted & Organized by AIDIC The Italian Association of Chemical Engineering