General Information

WARNING - Hotel accomodations almost complete in Florence
We advise all participants of ISCRE25 in Florence on 20-23 of May, to book accommodations as soon as possible, as this is a HIGH SEASON and all rooms in the hotels are running out.

Hotel information

Participants are expected to make their own reservation.

We will arrange a dedicated Congress Booking System that will allow you to find the best room in the reservation system of Firenze Convention Bureau, one of the no-profit institutional partners of ISCRE 25

Congress Card

We will arrange a Congress Card that provides special offers and discounted fees at museums, historical sites, shops, restaurants and much more.


Image:product Last-minute News !!

The Symposium is approaching !!

20 - 23 May, 2018-Symposium

June 11th, 2018-Manuscript Submission Deadline