General Information

Welcome to the:
25th International Conference on Chemical Reaction Engineering
" Engineering the Chemical Transformation by Bridging Science and Technology "
On behalf of all the Italian Chemical Reaction Engineering (CRE) community, with great pleasure we warmly invite you to attend the 25th edition of the International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering, ISCRE25, in Florence, Italy, 20-23 May 2018.
The long tradition of the ISCRE symposia dates back to 1957, Amsterdam (NL), to 1970, Washington DC (USA), and finally to 2002, when the first ISCRE in the Asia-Pacific region was organized in Hong Kong. The previous Italian edition of ISCRE was held in Turin in 1992. Since then, the Italian CRE community has continuously further contributed to the field of Chemical Reaction Engineering, as also documented by several conference presentations delivered during the last two decades at every ISCRE edition. Furthermore, in Italy we have a long tradition of Companies developing and running process plants based on chemical transformations. Cross-fertilization with Chemistry, Physics, Applied Mathematics and other disciplines is also quite strong due to a long-standing cultural tradition of multidisciplinary approaches which link fundamentals to industrial practice and applications.
This is indeed the origin of the proposed theme for ISCRE25: "Engineering the chemical transformation by bridging science and technology". Accordingly, the topics of the Conference will cover both the latest methodological developments as well as the many emerging applications of CRE to crucial technologies for energy conversion, environmental protection and sustainable chemicals production. Let us therefore take the opportunity of this Conference to learn from each other, to exchange experiences and new ideas, and to preserve the existing know-how. We look forward to welcoming you in Florence in May 2018!
Prof. Enrico Tronconi
Politecnico di Milano
Prof. Pier Ugo Foscolo
Università degli Studi dell'Aquila

The Symposium is approaching !!
20 - 23 May, 2018-Symposium
June 11th, 2018-Manuscript Submission Deadline