General Information

Guidlines for Lecture presentations

Lectures will be shown only by PC projectors.

Lectures will be presented in parallel sessions.
Each presentation must not exceed 20 minutes.

This time includes the introduction of the speaker by the chairperson, the presentation and the discussion.

The presentation should start with a title sheet (title of the presentation, authors and affiliation).
Please keep the number of slides limited to avoid overload of the audience.
An LDC projector and a PC will be provided. The presentation must be compatible with Windows 7, Office 2010.

The speaker of each paper has to upload and inspect the presentation file before the session beginning (suggested: half a day in advance).
In order to avoid delays each ppt file must be properly uploaded before the session starts.

Speakers are also invited to reach the conference room 15 minutes before the session beginning and introduce themselves to the chairperson, possibly bringing a brief CV.

Image:product Last-minute News !!

The Symposium is approaching !!

20 - 23 May, 2018-Symposium

June 11th, 2018-Manuscript Submission Deadline