General Information
Satellite events:
1) "Ponte school: bridging Laboratory Chemical Kinetics to Industrial Scale Reactors" - Firenze, May 24-25, 2018.
Within the spirit of reaction engineering the required fundamentals for bringing laboratory scale information into industrial practice will be dealt with. Following up on a successful edition of this course in 2017 preceding Europacat, a 2-day version of this school in conjunction with ISCRE25. For more information and registration, here the link2) GRICU 2018 PhD National School, Pisa, May 16-19, 2018.
The topics of the 2018 School will be "Advanced chemical reactors" and "Circular economy concepts in process engineering". Highly reputed teachers from Italian and foreign academic institutions, as well as from industry, will be lecturing during the 4 days class program. For more information, please contact Prof. Onofrio Scialdone (Universitá di Palermo).

The Symposium is approaching !!
20 - 23 May, 2018-Symposium
June 11th, 2018-Manuscript Submission Deadline